We connect Solar Photovoltaics (PV) to the grid, and keep it operating efficiently.
We understand the relationship between solar PV and electrical infrastructure — inverters, substations, transformers, metering — as well as its connection to distribution or transmission networks. Our customers include large scale solar farms and commercial businesses with large rooftop solar installations.
We specialise in ongoing operations and maintenance services including energy management platforms, to ensure customers are provided transparent control and insights into the performance of their solar assets.

Solar services
We’re experts in integrating your solar renewable energy assets into the electricity network. Our teams are highly experienced in EPC for solar farms, and the design, procurement and construction of balance of plant infrastructure.

Our approach
We offer flexibility and choice.
Whether it’s a complete solution, or just a small part of your project, we match our services and product selection to your specific circumstances, budget and needs.
Our featured projects
We’ve worked on many solar projects, from large-scale solar farms to commercial rooftop installations, even solar carparks! Explore some of our featured projects.