Data and internet for community centres and libraries

Fast and reliable data and internet services to connect facilities.
The Yurika team helped our Council customer overcome the limitations of their existing technology infrastructure, bringing their services into line with modern expectations of connectivity and speed.
Our customer
Yurika’s customer was a large regional Council in Queensland. Given its size, the client was responsible for a range of products and services including community centres, workspaces and libraries.
Their objective
The Council were seeking an experienced delivery partner to maintain and provide a data and internet service to connect all its facilities. Connectivity was critical and our Yurika team needed to develop and install links to support and maintain a fast, reliable and cost-effective solution for the community. This included linking community centres, libraries and the various council offices.
Access to Wi-Fi in all these areas was pivotal to the success of the project. Also required was a high level of data security as well as reliability to support a range of uses which had to work within the council’s corporate network.
The solution
Before embarking on creating a solution, Yurika’s team needed to understand the organic make up of data. Existing technology across the sites limited the data speed available to between two and ten megabits per second.
In today’s world, this would significantly limit client’s internet speed and ability to deliver free Wi-Fi to visitors as well as support daily internet access for staff. Even simple information technology or online tasks would be compromised with the existing infrastructure in place and reliability could not be guaranteed.
After reviewing and assessing the project and potential, Yurika’s telecommunications team strategically designed a cost-effective solution for each site. This meant utilising a mix of existing infrastructure and newly designed and constructed fibre optic cable.
The outcome
After the network designs were completed for each of the sites, Yurika installed a total of two kilometres of new fibre optic cable to connect the four sites to the Yurika fibre network. The solution delivered 1Gbps links into each of the sites with the ability to scale up to 10Gbps.
After the upgrade, the customer gave the analogy of driving to work in a Ferrari vs a Fiat – an indication of just how happy the customer was!