We aspire to be an industry leader in health and safety with systems and processes in place to fulfil regulatory and compliance obligations.  Assurance activities are meticulously set and tracked to continuously improve on our health and safety.  Everyone at Yurika understands that every workplace injury, big or small, has an impact on lives. We are proud safety leaders and implement rigorous health and safety training for all members of our team.

Our customer’s safety

Covid-19 approach

We place a special emphasis on keeping our people, customers and the community safe while we continue business as usual — building, operating and maintaining projects throughout the pandemic.

We continue to monitor and follow the public health directions outlined by State and Australian Federal Government to keep our people and customers informed, while still delivering value-add services to communities and businesses.

Our safe practices

Our safe practices and processes are an integral part of our business operation and fundamental to our ongoing business success. When it comes to high voltage assets or, in fact any asset or job; safety is paramount. We have a fully qualified and highly experienced team who can design best practice and compliant energy solutions.

All our projects work with documented management systems that are third party certified to ISO 45001:2018 occupational health and safety management system.

Product and equipment safety

Our equipment designs, and the products we install at our customer sites all meet Australian standards. We stand behind our accredited suppliers who have sustainable and safe practices and provide product safety sheets and guidelines which are also available for digital download.

Digital safety

We take online safety seriously and go to great lengths to ensure our people are continuously educated digital citizens. We follow modern standards like ISO/IEC 27001 to demonstrate our commitment and compliance to global best practice, confidently stating to customers, suppliers, and stakeholders that security is most certainly at the forefront of the way we operate.

Our environmental commitment

We proudly deliver secure, affordable, and sustainable energy solutions for our customers and communities through reducing our carbon emissions, supporting increased connection of renewables, and implementing our First Nations Reconciliation Action Plan.

Our Sustainable Procurement Policy ensures our entire supply chain complies with green behaviours for the betterment of our communities by agreeing to carbon management plans, applying environmental offsets and championing re-use, recycling and recovery of waste, and the safe and efficient use of electricity and resources.
All our projects work with documented management systems that are third party certified to ISO 14001:2015 Environmental management systems.