“This is a massive system – it has more than 12-thousand panels that generate a whopping 4.93MW of energy,” Yurika Executive General Manager Carly Irving said.

“The Hyperdome is the latest project delivered through a partnership between Yurika and the Queensland Investment Corporation,” Carly said.

“The technology will reduce Hyperdome’s carbon emissions by 6,050 tonnes of CO2 annually, which is the equivalent of removing 2,800 passenger vehicles from our roads each year.”

Logan Hyperdome is one of four Queensland shopping centres leveraging Yurika’s holistic Smart Connected Solar technology, alongside Robina Town Centre, Toowoomba’s Grand Central, and Townsville’s Domain Central, along with a fifth centre in Melbourne.

“The solar networks across these five assets will deliver over 15 megawatts of solar power capacity and reduce CO2 emissions by more than 17,000 metric tonnes per year, bringing clean energy to these centres and providing significant relief to the energy network in the surrounding communities,” Carly said.

“This is another example of the contribution being made by Queensland-owned Yurika to help deliver on the State Government’s commitment of 50% by 2030.”

“Over the next 25 years the Hyperdome system will save 2,573 tonnes in carbon emissions – that’s is equivalent to 30,878 trees being planted.”

Carly said the Hyperdome project underscored Yurika’s capability in delivering large scale solar projects in commercial settings.

“What we have shown at Logan Hyperdome, and at the other sites, is that Yurika has a product that lowers the cost of energy and also improves the environmental performance of large shopping centres,” she said.

“The Smart Connected Solar platform also allows for integration of batteries, electric vehicle chargers and our Internet of Things ecosystem platform to ensure we can enhance the capability of the systems to meet future requirements.”

Massive rooftop solar completed at Logan Hyperdome

Watch Hon. Mick de Brenni MP, Carly Irving, and Brian Turner speak about our latest rooftop solar project.