
Yurika’s client is an organisation that delivers a range of hospital and health services. These include hospital inpatient and emergency services, community and mental health services, aged care services and health promotion programs.


Yurika’s task was to urgently provide the client with infrastructure to enable video linkups between a large hospital and community health centres in regional and remote areas during the Covid-19 pandemic.

The project commenced as the coronavirus pandemic was evolving, creating a situation of many unknowns for the client. To enable the ongoing provision of high-speed video link that gives fast medical remote access to health services, Yurika needed to move quickly to establish video links spanning a large geographical area while adapting to the changing work and safety restrictions set by government health officials.


To fast track the project and comply with Covid-19 restrictions, Yurika deployed a local team to work on the project. The team worked tirelessly to design, build and commission the infrastructure in record time. Importantly, Yurika complied with all safety protocols and wore the correct protection equipment to minimise any risk of spreading the virus. As a result, Yurika team safely and quickly delivered two 1000 Mb E-Line services from the hospital to two local community health sites, enabling fast and reliable video conferencing between the sites.


The client was delighted with how quickly Yurika team delivered an outcome for them. As a result of the new video link:

  • health professionals, other front-line staff and patients in regional and remote locations could communicate with medical experts
  • the health system could spread its workload across the community health centres, reserving the capacity of the hospital during the pandemic.
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1000 Mb E-Line services
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Yurika’s client is an organisation that delivers a range of hospital and health services. These include hospital inpatient and emergency services, community and mental health services, aged care services and health promotion programs.


Yurika’s task was to urgently provide the client with infrastructure to enable video linkups between a large hospital and community health centres in regional and remote areas during the Covid-19 pandemic.

The project commenced as the coronavirus pandemic was evolving, creating a situation of many unknowns for the client. To enable the ongoing provision of high-speed video link that gives fast medical remote access to health services, Yurika needed to move quickly to establish video links spanning a large geographical area while adapting to the changing work and safety restrictions set by government health officials.


To fast track the project and comply with Covid-19 restrictions, Yurika deployed a local team to work on the project. The team worked tirelessly to design, build and commission the infrastructure in record time. Importantly, Yurika complied with all safety protocols and wore the correct protection equipment to minimise any risk of spreading the virus. As a result, Yurika team safely and quickly delivered two 1000 Mb E-Line services from the hospital to two local community health sites, enabling fast and reliable video conferencing between the sites.


The client was delighted with how quickly Yurika team delivered an outcome for them. As a result of the new video link:

  • health professionals, other front-line staff and patients in regional and remote locations could communicate with medical experts
  • the health system could spread its workload across the community health centres, reserving the capacity of the hospital during the pandemic.
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Related reading

Keeping FIFO workers connected to home
Telecommunications critical to success of renewable energy projects
Supporting North Queensland with local, secure, safe data