Vertical infrastructure, such as street lights, bus stops and electricity poles, will be in peak demand as carriers look to monetise their 5G mmWave spectrum licences.

Owners of vertical infrastructure are now in prime position to capitalise on the 5G deployment and optimise their return on these assets.

With full and proven capability to deliver end-to-end 5G planning and deployment services — Yurika can supports a rapid and smooth spectrum rollout. Following several years of research, development and preparation in creating our specialised suite of 5G services; we’ve shared our top tips on things you’ll need to consider as part of this transition.

Tip #1: Plan

determine the location of your assets and potential value, and how you’ll handle mass access requests.

Previously, access requests to assets were in small volumes, time consuming to submit, and had a long approval process.

In the near future, 5G deployments will require a much higher density compared to traditional 3G and 4G cell deployments.

This will significantly increase the number of access requests generated by carriers. Asset owners will need to prepare for mass volume and bulk requests, particularly for highly desirable locations.

Yurika’s automated, purpose-built facilities access management platform can expediate the request handling and license application process ensuring compliance with regulatory standards. By loading assets onto the platform, asset owners and mobile network operators are given full, near real-time visibility of asset details. Enabling modernised asset management capability, Yurika’s facilities access platform allows a full description of loaded assets including specifications, potential value, and even site photos. Access to these assets can be made available to mobile network operators to easily discover suitable assets, and submit their requests.

This scalable, automated online solution is set to significantly fast-track the application process, giving carriers confidence to start Site Acquisition, Environment and Design (SAED) work and minimises streetscape impacts through a more controlled and managed deployment approach.

Tip #2: Build

ensure you know how you’ll tackle site audit and verification so that you’re ready for construction.

Once planning is complete, the next consideration is build. Site audit and verification is often required prior to site make-ready construction. At this stage, keeping community interests front-of-mind, is key. Managing potential impacts to streetscapes will play an important part in determining the best type of hosting to explore – neutral host or open access.

While many definitions of these build types exist, at Yurika we define neutral host as – the repurposing of an asset to provide multiple mobile network operators a dedicated space to operate. Open access is described as a dedicated asset where only one mobile network operator can operate. Where demand is high, Yurika recommends a neutral host option that will significantly contain, manage and control the look of public and community streetscapes. With nationally recognised capability in infrastructure and telecommunications delivery, Yurika is well-placed to make sites ready for small cell rollout. From design through to construction and management of the network; we also build tower infrastructure; and set up whatever site hosting arrangements are most suitable to your needs – neutral host and or open access build types.

Tip #3: Operate

determine how you will manage your devices to ensure ongoing operations and maintenance.

With access applications processed and approved, and SAED build requirements complete, all that’s left is to have new 5G small cell devices installed and deployed – again, Yurika is ready to help!

Fully licensed, qualified and ready to safely assist with the installation and deployment of 5G small cell devices, Yurika offers a strong national footprint as well as a capable and ready workforce. Longer term, we’re also on hand to help operate, manage and maintain your assets around the clock.

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