Dedicated 5G networks are a strategic move towards massive IoT, intelligent city applications and connected communities throughout Australia. With spectrum now acquired, viable and cost effect options are opening up for enterprise to broaden their reach.

What is a dedicated network?

Defined as a non-public network (npn) these networks don’t share traffic with commercial mobile networks. They are a frequency for exclusive use making them a secure, and fully independent method of communication within the reach of the network, completely under the control of the enterprise.

When would you use a dedicated network?

When we have access to a country with high mobile network coverage, why would you need to consider a private network? In instances where enterprise may:

  • conduct remote business, outside of the commercial mobile coverage
  • experience interrupted service due to location or environment
  • have a requirement for high availability, high redundancy
  • have high security or privacy needs
  • currently or intends on deploying massive IoT in far more cost effective way.

However, 5G is not the only solution that can utilise this technology, or may not be the best option for your needs.

Connectivity options and when to use them

Private 5G

The three defining traits for 5G are ultra low latency, mass machine communications, and enhanced mobile broadband.

You are more likely to require 5G if your enterprise has:

  • a large number of IoT devices
  • a requirement for continuous streaming data such as high resolution videos
  • requirement for an uninterrupted service
  • autonomous machinery needs high performance ie low latency response
  • require mobility and transportability

Indoor venues lend themselves to 5G small cell technology primarily because of the ability to address those three traits thru use of high frequency short range spectrum.

Private 4G

High throughput with consistent performance for a high number of connected devices.

The device ecosystem is more mature and well developed for 4G today than ever before.

Fibre (wired technology)

Providing flexibility and control over a physical infrastructure, fibre-optic might be a good connectivity type if your are large scale, or low operational costs is a key factor.

Fibre signals have a much broader reach than 5G small cells, spanning up to 2,0000kms while maintaining lightning fast response times.

Fibre is the ultimate in terms of speed and capacity.

Applications for private wireless networks

We’re moving toward autonomous machines, smart transport, and machine-to-machine (M2M) communication across Australia, making applications for reliable high-speed, low latency connectivity near necessity.

Shopping centres & stadiums
Shopping centres & stadiums
Consuming content at a feverish rate, these high density venues lend themselves to customer-focussed, immersive experiences. Content downloads such as augmented reality and high resolution video, as well as “smart” IoT applications present an ideal use case for 5G private networks.
Where streaming and learning become one, Universities are modernising quickly with the demand of uninterrupted connectivity. This technology can assist to deliver students and faculty with a much broader wireless access to curriculum, digital resources and the internet throughout an expansive campus.
Manufacturing plants
Manufacturing plants
Massive IoT and machine learning are on the rise in manufacturing plants, warehouses and depots across the globe. To support the autonomous journey, high redundancy and faultless connectivity is king.
Mine sites
Mine sites
Critical machinery are operating on mine sites. Safety and uptime are two benefits derived from a private network. With sensors in play, operating around the clock, the mine site can see an uplift in cost and productivity efficiencies.
Remote communities

The gap between the digital divide for remote communities lessens with access to technologies like dedicated networks. These communities can now see the same benefits as intelligent cities, unlocking pathways to learning, upskilling for the future and access to critical services and

Looking to connect?
Get in touch with our expert dedicated networks team to discuss options.