Facilities Access is the process used by vertical infrastructure owners to allow access to their assets for a variety of reasons. As the demand for faster and more advanced 5G technology increases, so does the need for access to vertical infrastructure.

Asset owners of vertical infrastructure use a Facilities Access process to allow mobile network operators and site acquisition, environment and design (SAED) partners to request access to assets in order to select suitable sites and host small cell 5G antennas to improve coverage.

Working closely with mobile network operators and asset owners, we are proud to showcase new technology that modernises the facilities access permit application process, providing greater visibility and grading of vertical infrastructure assets.

Our approach to asset management means shorter turn-around times for mobile network service providers to gain access to these important assets, speeding up the deployment of 5G technology. It also enables availability of advanced connectivity services to more customers than ever before.

An overview of each stage in the 5G Small Cell rollout process.
Why yurika?

5G and fibre rollout with Facilities Access Management Platform

Our cloud-based Facilities Access platform helps carriers and asset owners easily identify vertical infrastructure across a wide range of councils and utilities. Having access to hundreds, and sometimes thousands of assets, radio planning and grading overlays on an interactive map sees assets easily identify as the most suitable and cost efficient to plan a strategic 5G small cell rollout.

Having a plan for a new development, or an uplift of an existing public space has many benefits:

We understand living in a neat community is important and work with you to minimise impacts to keep our streetscapes and neighbourhoods looking great.
With the density required to power a 5G city, we can expect to see one 5G small cell every 100m-500m. To avoid an excess of “pole-top jewellery”, it’s important to carefully consider where and how these small cells are placed. With careful planning, we can achieve a connected city, without the clutter.
We know the market, and can provide comprehensive asset grading services or radio network frequency designs to provide you detailed insights to develop a 5G asset strategy.

Our cloud-based Facilities Access Management Platform allows us to overlay projected revenue for leasing space on your vertical infrastructure, optimising return from your assets, and realising efficiency in your permit application processes. Our online system allows you to track the value you’re extracting from your total asset base.

street lights at night
Our online Facilities Access portal allows you to apply for your Facilities Access permit online in a few simple steps. Better yet, processing times for standard requests are significantly faster than ever before. Our system allows you to submit your permit request and track its progress from submission through to approval.


cell tower
Identify, access and gain approval for neutral host listed assets quickly via our online portal. 5G smart pole

Platform capabilies

Onboarding assets

To help strategic asset managers with planning of the 5G small cell rollout, we can onboard your assets to the platform. The asset onboarding includes a review and grading of the assets to get you information about strategically located vertical assets using a comprehensive radio coverage analysis.

* items indicate Tier 2 access

Visualise geospatial layers
Visualise geospatial layers
Graded assets and radio design are examples of custom geospatial layers used to visualise and discover the coverage and assets required to strategically plan a 5G small cell roll out, while having visibility over the entire value of your asset base.
Online access applications*
Online access applications*
Carriers are able to discover assets made available by asset owners through an interactive map. Application forms enable carriers to submit a pre-approval application, this reserves the asset for the carrier and allows them to start SAED work on each site. Assets tagged with a master agreement can be reserved and approved in bulk to save everyone time.
Track asset work status*
Track asset work status*
Project managers can follow site work as updated by contractors in real-time, including site notes regarding access, relevant photos and mandatory documentation. As the workforce runs into problems, change requests can be raised and approved instantly avoiding costly delays to projects.
Create tailored asset works checklists*
Create tailored asset works checklists*
Asset works checklists ensure that all relevant tasks against each asset is being tracked and updated, ensuring quality site work deployment. Each asset type can have its own tailored checklist, notes and photos can be assigned to each checklist item as the work is progressed and tracked.
Manage permits and wayleaves*
Manage permits and wayleaves*
Onsite workers have access to latest information such as permit and wayleaves statuses and relevant details from the map. Links to the documentation is also included.
Mobile view for field crew*
Up-to-date data is critical to manage site construction. The works management module is designed specifically to make work easy for field crew to update work as they go with a phone or tablet.
Appointments scheduling*
Appointments scheduling*
Residential customer appointments are managed, changes can be made, and email notifications sent to the residential customer with appointment details. Customer details, pre and post work photos, customer approval signatures captured and stored, all in the same system.

How to get started with Facilities Access