As an accredited Embedded Network Manager (ENM), we have a wide range of proven experience in delivering and managing embedded networks for customers.

Our services include:

  • Metering solutions for new greenfield and existing brownfield sites.
  • Providing consulting services to ensure compliance is met with National Electricity Rules (NER) and local jurisdictional rules.

We provide pattern approved, NEM compliant embedded metering solutions and can also act as the ENM. We can also act as the MC, MP and MDP as part of our NEM metering services.

Our embedded network metering services enable embedded network operators (ENOs) to gain access to electricity consumption data, helping them understand tenant usage and provide data feeds for accurate billing.

Typical embedded network installations include:

Apartment blocks
Caravan parks
Retirement villages
Shopping centres
Office Blocks

What is our role in an embedded network service?

An embedded electricity network is a private network within a building or self-contained site that serves multiple customers or end users (tenants).

All the electricity to the site is delivered through one parent connection in the NEM. This connection is commonly referred to as the “gate” meter.

Past the parent connection the asset owner (commonly the building owner) takes ownership and responsibility for the electrical infrastructure, switchboards, ducts, and reticulation. In some instances, they also take ownership of the tenancy meters.

The building/embedded network owner appoints an ENO to manage the purchase and on-selling of electricity to end users via a “large market customer” or “bulk” tariff.

In some jurisdictions, embedded network customers have the option to remove themselves from the ENO retail contract and receive electricity supply from their retailer of choice, who then become what is known as an “on-market” embedded network customer.

Embedded networks can contain residential, business or a combination of customers depending on the location and type of installation. Typical embedded network installations include apartment blocks, caravan parks, retirement villages, shopping centres, airports and office buildings.


What is the role of the ENM?

We can be appointed by an ENO / Exempt Embedded Network Service Provider (EENSP) to provide ENM services by entering into a services agreement. Our Embedded Network Manager services include:


  • Collection of drawings and documentation relating to the Embedded Network
  • Review of electrical layout and connection points
    Embedded Network Code creation/transfer
  • National Metering Identifier (NMI) allocation for child connections
  • Standing Data collection
  • Allocation of Distribution Loss Factors and Network Charge Codes

Ongoing Management

  • Ongoing compliance of Embedded Network
  • Creation/abolishment of Child NMIs
  • Perform role of LNSP
  • Annual AEMO audit
  • Notifications to other Market Participants when required
  • Ensuring data retention and security is upheld
  • Dispute resolution and complaints handling
Do I require an ENM?

From 1 December 2017, network exemption holders may have to become or appoint an accredited AEMO ENM.

Use this interactive tool to work out whether each of your embedded networks require an Embedded Network Manager.

Want to find out more?
Speak to an accredited Embedded Network Manager (ENM)