Hybrid and off-grid systems can be achieved using a combination of different technologies to produce power and/or heat, or battery energy storage (BESS).

We are well versed in the possibilities technology can offer, and are committed to providing the right system solutions.

Our ongoing and extensive experience in working with other distribution networks means that we have a longstanding history in designing, building, owning, maintaining and operating vertically integrated (generation, distribution, metering and retail) isolated power networks in remote and regional parts of Australia.

Regardless of what you choose, we offer extensive experience in providing reliable and economical systems that integrate via any source of renewable generation.

We have demonstrated experience in the design, engineering, delivery and operation of a variety of power systems including:

  • Isolated community systems
  • Edge of grid systems
  • System strengthening
  • Back-up power
  • Business systems

Off-Grid Systems

Also known as a Stand-Alone Power Systems (SAPS).

Off-grid systems are where grid connected power isn’t available, and typically found at farms, remote homesteads, water pumping sites, and remote industrial facilities.

Off-grid systems are designed to match energy generation and storage to meet demand requirement.

Hybrid Systems

Hybrid Systems are where a combination of two or more technologies are used to produce power.

Typically used in remote applications where energy is reliant on existing infrastructure, like fuel generators.

Looking to bundle your solution?
Connect with our bundled and hybrid team to hear about our solutions, and which is best for you.